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Informazione Corretta Rassegna Stampa
12.11.2014 Invito all'incontro 'Israel in a changing Middle East'
A Roma, con Mordechai Kedar

Testata: Informazione Corretta
Data: 12 novembre 2014
Pagina: 1
Autore: la redazione
Titolo: «Invito all'incontro 'Israel in a changing Middle East'»

Pubblichiamo l'invito all'incontro "Israel in a changing Middle East", che avrà luogo a Roma mercoledì 26 novembre 2014, alle ore 11, presso l' Associazione Stampa Estera, con Mordechai Kedar, che i nostri lettori ben conoscono.

Ecco il programma:

Israel in a changing Middle East

Wednesday 26 November 2014, 11.00 am - 1.00 pm
Associazione della Stampa Estera in Italia, Via dell’Umiltà 83/C, 00187 Roma, Italy

Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA) is pleased to invite you to join a unique press briefing by Dr Mordechai Kedar - renown senior lecturer on Arabic and Islamic Studies.
Established in 2012, Europe Israel Press Association, based at the heart of the EU institutions in Brussels, operates independently as a peer-to-peer support for journalists, editors-in-chief, bloggers and opinion makers, to generate greater insight and knowledge concerning the complexities and the challenges relating to Israel and the broader Middle East.
EIPA helps media professionals in Europe in their daily work with news facts, background information, research and analysis. EIPA is a valuable source of key contacts for journalists, searching for quotes from and interviews with spokespersons and experts.
You can learn more about us at the following: www.eipa.eu.com.

A senior lecturer on Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Bar-Ilan University. Dr Kedar is an expert on Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and Syria and regularly appears on Arabic language media. Dr Kedar has taught at Bar Ilan University since 1994 and Tel Aviv University since 2005. He was Lieutenant Colonel in the Israel Defence Forces and head of a military intelligence related branch. He has written extensively on a diverse range of subjects including the Syrian media under Assad, perceptions of education by Islamist movements, Islamists and the UN, and Arab nationalism. His articles regularly appear on www.informazionecorretta.com.

Mordechai Kedar


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